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Water Pipeline Tips – Freezing Temperatures

Freezing temperatures and harsh winter winds are here, and we advise residents to keep their homes safe and know how to properly shut off their water in the event of a burst pipe.
  • Open the cabinets under your sinks and allow your pipes to drip. This will help prevent pipes from freezing.
  • To prevent an emergency, locate your home’s water shut-off valve.
  • Valves can typically be found in the front yard of your property. Look for an oval steel plate to locate it.
  • Shut off your water if a pipe bursts! Remove the steel plate that covers the shut-off valve and turn it clockwise until closed with a wrench or a set of pliers.
Please call a professional plumber before restoring service.
In the event that you are unable to turn off water service on your property or to report a problem such as flooding, water quality concerns, or any other water-related issue, call the department of Water Resources 24/7 emergency line at 678.376.7000 or visit

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