Water & Electricity Do Not Mix.
Please find the tips to follow below :
Stay away from water near electrical equipment: Don’t swim near docks, boats, or other electrical equipment that’s powered by alternating current (AC). Stay at least 50 yards away from these areas.
Check for electrical leakage: Use an AC clamp-type meter to test for dangerous electrical currents in the water around your boat. The reading should be zero.
Inspect your dock: Have a qualified marine electrician inspect your private dock annually.
Install ground-fault protection: Install ground-fault protection on your boat and private dock.
Post warning signs: Post “No Swimming” signs around your dock to notify others about potential dangers.
Use dry hands and feet: Always have dry hands and feet, and wear dry rubber-soled shoes while using electrical products.
Use battery-powered products: Use battery-powered products, whenever possible.
Avoid the water when launching a boat: Avoid entering the water when launching a boat.
Get out if you feel a tingling sensation: If you feel a tingling sensation while swimming, get out immediately. This could be a sign of a dangerous electrical current.
Stay upright and tuck your legs up: If you feel a tingling sensation while swimming, try to stay upright, tuck your legs up to make yourself smaller.
Swim away from anything energized: If you feel a tingling sensation while swimming, swim away from anything else that may be energized.